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Make Brad Little KEEP HIS WORD

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Friday, July 10th 2020

Governor Brad Little has been acting like a tyrant and the people of Idaho are sick and tired of it. A recall effort is underway to remove him from office, and there has even been a book written and published detailing his illegal actions and the consequences which have caused thousands of Idahoans to lose their lives, their businesses, their hopes, and their dreams.

Our Idaho State Legislators have tried to reign in his tyrannical rule, as it is their job to do so (the Legislative branch must keep the Executive branch in check). Unfortunately, they have been unable to find a means of doing so since many have interpreted the current state codes and statutes to mean that they cannot call a special session to address how Governor Little is handling the “COVID crisis,” unless the Governor calls the session himself!

Nevertheless, on June 23rd, 15 brave legislators, responding to the urging of their constituents and their own consciences, met at the Idaho State Capitol to voice their frustration and issue a proclamation asking for a special session of the Legislature to address the following 2 issues:

  • The rescinding of the Governor’s unconstitutional executive orders which have caused widespread economic disaster, has violated citizens’ Constitutionally protected rights, suspended parental rights, and caused general consternation and confusion.
  • The need for legislative oversight on the $1.25 billion that has been given to the state of Idaho by the Federal Government (which Governor Little is claiming the right and power to spend all on his own—however he wants).

The following day, on June 24th, Brad Little responded to a news inquiry about calling a special session and he stated, “I have yet to get the Legislature to say, ‘We want a special session for this issue.’ They want to have a special session for a lot of different issues. And frankly, I’ve said I’m not opposed to a special session – you tell me what the issue is.”


The news article went on to say that Brad Little said he’s “been talking with state legislators who want him to call a special session of the Legislature, but the Idaho Constitution requires such sessions to be called on a specific subject – and none of them have offered him one.” This is a lie.

The Idaho State Constitution, Article 4, Section 9, plainly states:

Extra sessions of legislature. The governor may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the legislature by proclamation, stating the purposes for which he has convened it; but when so convened it shall have no power to legislate on any subjects other than those specified in the proclamation; but may provide for the expenses of the session and other matters incidental thereto. He may also, by proclamation, convene the senate in extraordinary session for the transaction of executive business.

The law clearly states that a special session may be held for specific purposes or subjects, which are in the plural. It also refers to them as “those” which is also in the plural. Furthermore, Idaho state history shows that previous “extraordinary sessions,” as they are called, dealt with multiple issues as well. So, to state that an extraordinary session must only be focused on one issue, is an outright lie.


If you want your freedoms restored, and if you want Idaho to return to a republican form of government, which is guaranteed to us by the US Constitution (but which we are currently not living under), then we need you to take action! We need every Idahoan to support their legislators, who want to do the right thing, and reign in the tyrannical power that is currently being exercised by Governor Brad Little.

Many legislators have individually sent letters, emails, and even hand delivered written requests to the Governor asking him to hold a special session. We are asking you to support your legislators and demand that the Governor keep his word and respond to the legislature by July 31st.

Remember, he said, “I am not opposed to a special session, you tell me what the issue is.”

Well, the legislators have already told him what the issues are. And Governor Little now needs to keep his word and officially call for a special session to address the issues already raised by members of the Legislature. We are calling for the Governor to respond to legislators’ petition for a special session by July 31st. This is plenty of time to determine the specific issues that will be addressed and to make the proclamation to hold the special session.

July 31st is the Governor’s deadline to respond to the honorable state legislators’ requests to have a special session.


  • Contact your 3 legislators and ask them if they have made a request to Governor Little describing their desire to have a special session about specific issues. If not, encourage them to do so immediately.
  • Call the Governor’s office daily and demand that he keep his word.
  • Write letters to the Governor and demand that he keep his word (you can download a form letter on the right sidebar on this page to use).
  • Email the Governor daily and demand that he keep his word.
  • Share demands online demanding that the Governor keep his word (copy/download the graphic on the right sidebar of this page to share on social media).
  • Pass out fliers demanding that the Governor keep his word (download the flier on the right sidebar of this page).
  • Make the Governor KEEP HIS WORD!
Lets work together to make this happen and ensure that Governor Brad Little KEEPS HIS WORD.
Right Click the image below and select "Save Image As…" to download the image and share it on your social media!
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Click the MS Word Icon Below to Download a Sample Form Letter that you can customize and send to Governor Brad Little:
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Click below to download a flier you can print and share:
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