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Brad Little Extends Unconstitutional Stay-Home Order

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April 15th, 2020

Brad Little went ahead, as predicted, and extended his UNCONSTITUTIONAL Stay-at-Home order today until April 30th. Does anybody really believe it will be released then?

Furthermore, what consequences will this now have on our state economically?

If you break the law, you must be punished, right? If you even speed while driving, you must be stopped right?

But what happens if you drive 100 mph right past a cop and he does nothing? Well, you keep speeding. And then you pass another cop and he does nothing? You just keep speeding! You keep breaking the law until you are stopped.

So who is it that is supposed to stop a Governor of a state when he is breaking the law? It is us! The people.

And if we do nothing, guess what he'll keep doing? He'll keep breaking the law. Because the SILENCE and INACTION of the people is his free ticket to continued criminal action and usurpation of the Constitution.

So it is time to act, people. It is time to stop the Governor and to hold him accountable.

Action Steps You Must Take Immediately:

1. PHONE CALLS, EMAILS, AND LETTERS—I know this sounds simple and basic, but believe me it works! But it only works if you actually do it. Because if 100,000 people are angry and furious and the Governor's office is barraged with 100,000 emails, letters, and phone calls, then this causes real change.

But if only 100 out of those 100,000 actually do something, actually write, call, and send emails, then this just EMBOLDENS the politicians. Because they feel like "nobody cares," and they can just go on abusing their powers and breaking the law.

Office of the Governor:
State Capitol
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720

Phone: (208) 334-2100
Fax: (208) 854-3036

2. SUBMIT YOUR STORY ON THIS PAGESubmit your story about how the Governor's order has ruined your life on this page. This is a way to make your voice infinitely more powerful as these stories are being compiled into a book that will not only be sent to Brad Little, but will testify against him and his actions for all time. It is a permanent record of his criminal actions and not just one that passes during an election cycle.

3. SHARE ADVERTISEMENTS AND POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIAGo here to download advertisements and posts that you can share on Social Media. It is simple and easy. You must do your part to get the message out.

These are 3 simple things you can do immediately. We humbly urge you to do your part and take action now.

P.S. Some local Idaho mothers are not standing for this and are taking real action. They will be hosting a public protest at the Capitol building this Friday, April 17th at 2:00 pm. We encourage you to attend. Click here for more info.

P.P.S. It is harder than ever to stay in touch with like-minded people. Encourage your friends to
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